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We come from a very Progressive background, and those are what shaped our values. Below you can see our stances on each topic listed.

The internet and other communication services are imperative to introduce to more people. We should do so to help students and adults explore community options, job opportunities, economic growth and influx of jobs. If we ever were to implement basic Broadband accessibility to all people of Minnesota, we could ensure that career opportunities will be taken advantage of in our community, that people will be generally more educated about the world around us, and that our people can learn communication skills, writing/reading skills, and become closer to Minnesota.  


There should be no doubt within our minds that infrastructure is a hugely important deal. Our roads have been crumbling for decades, with little being done to fix them. We can create massive amounts of jobs, boom the local economy, and fix our systems by patching up the roads, tarring the gravel roads for safer driving, and ensuring that Minnesotans can get to their destination faster. Infrastructure is not just roads though, it also includes businesses, cities, and family farmers. We need to make sure that our local businesses have access to all of the materials they need to thrive and increase jobs, and local economy. Our cities depend on these things to build the necessary communities to function as a society. Family farmers have been part of the back bone of Minnesota for nearly its entire existence, and we need to make sure that they are not molested by foreign, corporate farms, and keep the farming with the people we know that we can trust--family farmers. Subsidies for local farmers would be a great way to ensure that our economy not only grows, but also that no man, woman, or child who farms will ever be left behind.


Healthcare is one of the most essential parts of a functioning society. It is absolutely imperative that we ensure that all Minnesotans have a RIGHT, not a PRIVILEGE, but a RIGHT to healthcare. Universalizing our healthcare system would help costs be obliterated, and would ensure that all people can visit the doctor without fear of having to pay hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. $20 in taxes for a year would pay for healthcare, stimulating the economy to increase by +$102,000,000 for our healthcare, more than enough to take care of all Minnesotans. 


The environment is undoubtedly one of Minnesota's many great things, and we must make sure that we can maintain that. We need to ensure that pollution, environmental damage, and waste do not get in the way of keeping our slice of nature clean, healthy, and alive. We propose that we create more jobs to help clean the environment, and give the DNR more funding to protect our wildlife from pollution. We also propose that we expand public land/water spaces, so that there is more space for our hunters to hunt, and our fishermen to fish.  

Minimum Wage

We believe that it is important for all of our people to be able to receive a living wage, not a starvation wage. We have had enough of trying to sleep at night, wondering whether or not to pay rent in full due, or get enough food to feed our children. The time has come to ensure that our people have a real means of living.

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